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- Established in February 2022, Monko LLC is the doorway between Japan and the world.
- We promote and export variety of products/materials which are supported by the long tradition of craftsmanship of Japan.
- Upon request, we can produce your product in close relationship with Japanese manufacturers. It is our mission to bridge our partners in Japan and customers outside of Japan.
- We put importance in close communication with cutomers and our partners.
- We provide with consultation service for specific market segment in accordance with customer’s request.
- 2022年2月創業。Monko合同会社は日本と海外の「門戸」たるべく活動しております。
- 国内製造業者様と緊密な協力関係を築き、優れた日本製品の輸出、宣伝を行い、またお客様のご要望に応じて各種製品プロデュースを行います。
- お客様、製造業者様との緊密な対話によるお取引を大切にしてまいります。
- お客様のご要望に応じて特定市場へのコンサルタント業務を行います。